15 July Muesum

Interactive Projection Mapping

Creative Direction
Motion Graphics & Animation
Museum Experience
Technical Direction


The Collective Memory


An experience, which reinforces the presence of social trauma caused by the 15th of July coup d'etat attempt, its effects and its background and in the collective public memory.


The attempt is a traumatic occasion that is significant for both Turkish and world history. Just like a gestalt object, utterly different components by themselves merge together to form a catastrophe that is not to be forgotten.


Hafıza 15 Temmuz Müzesi (The Memory 15th of July Museum) is giving voice to some of the thousands of stories that have been experienced by the Turkish nation that night.


The museum, which takes the subject not as a stand-alone event but a historical criticism, is narrating the occurrence from various perspectives like sacrifices made, background of the global politics and economic paradigm via a story-telling approach infused with technology and art direction. Hence, components and content of the museum constitute a bigger whole than the sum of themselves, hence creating the gestalt object of their own.


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