A New Dynamism for Stationery

Creative Direction
Motion Graphics & Animation

Adel is one of the leading stationary equipment manufacturers in Turkey. Going back more than half a century, the company is a respected and well-known brand that holds a strong position in the market. After a long time they wanted to renew their brand look and reached out to us.


We started with laying the foundations of the concept. In accordance with the nature of their products we focused on ‘colors’. We developed an approach by which the world they represent and the wide spectrum of colors they use will be transferred to the brand image.


We designed a dynamic and smooth ‘A’ form to carry the brand and express the brand’s innovative, modern and playful character. Combined with the use of a gradient design for the main brand and single colors for the brand segments, we have created the new brand look.


The outfit of the brand, the packages, were also designed in harmony with the branding approach. We aimed at delivering an energetic, young and playful feeling. And at the end of the day, from brand image to packages, Adel stationery products gained a new dynamism. 


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