TAV Airports Holding Film

The invisible hero behind a worldwide success.

Creative Direction
Motion Graphics & Animation


The Invisible Perfection TAV is a one-stop-shop for airports. The company builds and operates airports in different countries, and offers extensive solutions for all the operations; from finance to maintenance. Their potential and expertise has reached a critical point over the years, and they wanted to promote their capabilities.



At the beginning of the concept development part, we focused on exploring the nature of the company. What do they do, how do they do it, what would symbolize their diverse services and strong foundations? The airports are quite vibrant and busy facilities. Lots of different operations should be run without any kind of incoordination or set back. From safety of people to keeping up with the flight charts, they operate like a complex structure. And there is a strong yet mostly invisible organization behind it. That idea provided the basis for the concept.


The idea was to bring out what’s mostly invisible to people. Little yet meticulous details that make it possible for such a complex system to function without problems. We thought when something is working fine, people hardly notice it, but what if they were to see the complications, which they don’t experience thanks to TAV’s efforts.


At the end of the day -with the contribution of our long lasting relationship- we narrated not all but some of the invisible perfection that runs in the background of the backbones of modern transportation modes.



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